Aircraft Repossession
AMS has been involved in the project management of aircraft repossessions and recoveries in a wide variety of global jurisdictions and, thus, it is an area in which we excel.
No matter how much risk assessment is carried out by an aircraft financier, investor or lessor before investing in a transaction, there is always a chance something will go wrong. As evidenced by the recent pandemic, the history of aircraft operation is littered with unforeseen problems affecting the ability of operators, from individuals to national flag carriers, to pay loan instalments or lease rentals thereby triggering events of default.
Such projects are often complex and challenging but AMS has the capability and experience to provide its clients with turnkey solutions to their aircraft repossession and recovery problems.
On behalf of its clients AMS can:
Prepare contingency plans to manage potential defaults
Manage voluntary or uncooperative repossessions of aircraft
Manage and supervise the recovery, storage and insurance of parked aircraft
Advise upon and manage appropriate maintenance, refurbishment and repair of aircraft and engines
Remarket aircraft for sale or lease.
In every Aircraft Repossession and recovery project our objectives are to protect the value of our client’s assets and minimise their financial exposure, whilst maximising future income opportunities.